Thursday, November 5, 2009

Apartment shopping

It feels like we are finally starting our LIVES! (In a way...)
We are getting our 'own' place, and Richard and I are really excited about it. We have only shopped a few days, and some great opportunities have shown up. We are probably going to get an apartment on 750 W 440N ish in Provo, which is near a bus stop that goes straight to campus.
It is really nice, we felt really good about it. We even are the top 'choice' they claim to be the managers of the 4plex. This would make rent $505 a month! That's super cheap compared to other 2 bedroom apartments that we've seen in Provo that are not nearly as good of quality. (Some one bedroom apartments that are old and poorly maintained are at least 640!)
It's bitter-sweet to leave the Beehive home, but I feel like it's time. I am nervous to look for a job that will fit with my school schedule, but I believe I will find one. We have saved enough that if I don't get one this winter, we will survive just fine. I just really need one this spring/summer to save up for the next school year.

So Yay, we will be putting a deposit down tonight via online. We are waiting to hear whether or not we have to pay for the last week in November. I really hope not, seeing as we won't even LIVE there until January! But hey, that's the way things work out sometimes. Finding a place in late December sounds impossible.

I'm so glad we decided not to live in the remodeled victorian home. It turns out to be way too run-down for our taste. But it was quite charming, just needs some fixing up before it can be deemed 'liveable' in my opinion.

1 comment:

  1. So exciting! Can't wait to hear where you are staying officially! You'll need ot have a "house warming" party!
