Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I'm trying to come up with ideas of what I can do while my hubby is in Guatemala doing dental work for a week! Since we're still newly weds, I don't know what I will do without seeing him most of the day. It's pathetic, I know.
Here are some ideas:
  • Train for 2 half-marathons I'm registered for (although they are in August and September)
  • Family genealogy/ temple work--lots left to do
  • Scrapbook our wedding/engagement/honeymoon pictures!
  • journal and study ahead for school
  • FIND A JOB for the summer!!!
  • find some good books to read
  • find discount prices for my summer-class books (same for RIchard's books)
  • Sell tons of Anatomy books that Richard has been collecting. (hopefully this will make bank!)
  • Play computer games (civ, nancy drew, whatever)

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