SO, if you are friends with us on facebook, you might have seen our little "pillow fight". Well, once we had some pillows to choose from, we eventually agreed on red with floral accent pillows. I wasn't going to decorate with red initially, but it seemed to work. Pictures don't do the colors of our wall t justice, but they really work super well. Here's Rich chilling on the couch with the new pillows. Gotta love the cheap ikea lamp and tables.....eventually those will go....but you can't beat $7 side tables and a $8 lamp!
Another project that won't happen for a couple of months is this entry-way nook. I'm thinking a little table with some cute pictures/ apothecary jars? Or a bench for my flute players to sit on while they are waiting to be taught?
For now I have those pictures to give that space 'something'.
Last weekend Rich spent a couple hours putting up some IKEA curtains. IKEA is the BOMB! We went to JC Penney looking for something to cover these tall windows, and they gave us an estimate of at least $1000 to cover them up. How much did IKEA cost total to cover these windows? Only $50 max. SO cheap. I don't want my entire house to be IKEA, but for stuff like this you can't beat it. I didn't even have to hem them or anything. They came the perfect height. Now we don't have Arizona sun blinding us while we eat dinner in the evening.
This little nook will eventually be filled with some abstract art work that Richard really wants to make himself. He has been looking for a hobby (not that he has much time), but I'm excited to see what he comes up with.
Well, that's about it! The best advice I've received regarding decorating a new home is to take your time and not get in debt. Shop sales, ikea, and craigslist, and keeping it simple is key. That's the goal. :-) Oh yeah, and put pictures up of Christ or the Temple in as many rooms as possible!
So, I just have to say, you are adorable, and I love you. I love your enthusiasm for life and being married and building a home and everything! In 1 year, I get to be you!!! :)