I am so excited, Richard's mom spoiled us by giving us a wheat grinder and a bosch for our wedding! We have finally decided to start making homemade bread together once a week. During the school year we were pretty busy and had alot on our hands, but now that it's the sumer we are looking for projects and healthy things to do, and I am just way excited to learn how to do this. At first I was intimidated when Richard told me he wanted me to make home-made bread every week like the way he was raised, but now that I appreciate the healthy-benefits and cost-benefits of making your own bread, I am ready to get started. I heard whole-wheat bread is the hardest to make, but I'm willing to keep trying until I get it right. When we went to the bosch store to pick up the nutramill, I saw there was a bread-making class so I dragged Richard there after his root-canal surgery and we watched a lady quickly prepare some bread. It seemed simple, but we also noted there are many things that could possibly go wrong if you are not careful. Bread is a tricky thing.

Other than this, we have been doing pretty good. Richard and I are taking classes this spring and recently Richard had to fix a failed-root canal. He went to an endodontist who actually took out some bone to get to the infected area and remove more of his failed root-canal stuff. I still don't really understand all that happened, but I do know it costed an arm and a leg! I'm so grateful it didn't affect us too bad, we are lucky to have the jobs we do.
Richard is basically shadowing dentists for hours and hours as well as taking a physiology class, and I have been taking a jogging class, a field botany class, and a genetics class. In fact, I'm going to take a 4 hour genetics test in about half an hour, but I think I'm pretty ready so i thought I'd write in here. Jogging is my least favorite, it's hard to run in the morning because I have early classes, and running at night in spanish fork really isnt very safe (nobody has flood lights! It's incredibly dark!). I refuse to run in the middle of the day because I always feel soo sick afterwards. I am going to Indiana in a couple weeks, which I'm really looking forward to. I have to leave Rich behind because he needs to watch the old ladies and finding a replacement for us is very expensive, we'd have to pay them $80 a night when we are gone. Add to that a plane ticket and it's just to much. We will go to Indy for Christmas so that will be nice, we are willing to suck up the cost for such a special holiday & to keep our job :-) The only thing stopping us from living there is if I get pregnant, which we dont plan on letting that happen for awhile....

Yeah for healthy eating, it's really worth it although it can take longer and be more costly. Saddly it costs more to eat more healthy, very backwards.