I have literally spent months studying this fascinating topic!!
The Cambrian explosion is a hypothesized time in which an there was a random explosion of evolution during the Cambrian era, 520 million years ago. This is significant because they found really cool animals that they can’t fit into any classification system of known animals today! Here are examples of some cool ones:

Opabina-- it has 8 eyes and a proboscis!

Marella--so bizarre!

Hallucigenia--it lives up to its name....
This explosion hypothesis is based on tons of fossils of soft-bodied animals found in the Burgess Shale in British Columbia as well select areas in Greenland and China. It has many implications on the process of evolution itself, whether it occurs in spurts or if it occurs gradually and we just haven’t found the fossils that occur earlier.
One scientist that spoke a lot about it was Stephen J. Gould, and he’s so famous he was in a simpsons episode!
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