And I had fun decorating our home for Christmas. My family is coming to stay so we've been furnishing things up a bit in preparation for all of the guests!
I'm way excited.
No idea what to put on the walls, but I figure that's a project for way later...we gotta stop buying stuff! I love our first ever coffee table and 'modern' TV. Saves a lot of space not having a TV with a big butt. Also, that papasan chair is awesome because it seats two people, and the two people MUST cuddle to be comfortable. It's great for afternoon naps on the weekends :-)
I did a fun DIY project yesterday where I decorated my own wreath. Used a 50% off coupon for Michaels and got one of their giant wreathes and stuck a bunch of stuff in it! Easy peasey! And for less than $20 I filled a big empty wall with something festive. And I can use it forever.
I'd say that's purty good.
I definitely am looking for some good Christmas traditions to start so we can remind our future kids about the reason for the season. Any ideas?