Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Time to blog again!

With busy lives I figure it's a good idea to make a blog to update family and friends if they're interested to see what we're up to! Life at the Beehive home is awesome--we live with 10 old ladies and give them pills and sing the "Sound of Music" with them, and in return we get free rent and food. It's a sweet deal, it actually is a fair amount of work (I didn't mention all the cleaning) but its very enjoyable and feels we're part of a new adopted family. We figure 10 old ladies = 1/4 of a baby. So maybe it's good practice for the future!

This past weekend we took a quick trip to Cali to see a lady that Richard baptized on his mission who was going through the LA temple for the first time. We ended up running into a lot of people he was close to, unexpectedly! I got to see Las Vegas for the first time, we just drove through it. It was so much fun, we came home with a decent load of stuff from Trader Joe's because that's his version of heaven. We listened to the book "Lost Boys" by Orson Scott Card all the way to Cali and back, it's kind of a suspenseful book but I'd recommend it if you're into that sort of thing.

In the words of my favorite old lady, Muriel:"Oh, I love ya!"